Forensic haemogenetics has now merged into a new discipline without having lost its original identity. This included basic lectures on biostatistical approaches as well as on molecular biology and many new technical approaches to our general and special aims. The contributions to the conference covered all fields of forensic haemo genetics, but an outstanding highlight of this conference was the application ofDNA-polymorphisms to paternity and to the identification of stains. Herb Polesky has also contributed a great deal to the preparation of this book.
Walker) deserve the thanks of our Society for a very successful meeting. Soubrada, L.R.Bryant, Dale D.Dykes, Ch.Harrison, P.Newall and R. He and the local organizing committee which consisted of our friends and colleagues (J. The conference was organized and chaired by Dr. The third volume of 'Advances in Forensic Haemogenetics' contains the th scientific contributions presented at the 13 Congress of the International Society for Forensic Haemogenetics, held on October 19-21, 1989 in New Orleans, USA.